Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) is painless, safe and very effective in stimulating the body's natural healing process. The bioflex system used in our clinic is FDA and Health Canada approved as a Class 3B medical device. Low Intensity Laser Therapy uses light energy to treat conditions such as: musculoskeletal injuries, back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia and inflammation. As well, LILT can treat skin conditions such as chronic wounds (including diabetic ulcers), burns, scarring, eczema and psoriasis. LILT is cumulative, with short and long-term effects. Treatment times for laser therapy are determined by the therapist based on the condition being treated. Typically, results can be felt or seen after 3-5 treatments, and in some cases sooner!
*LILT fees are covered by most insurance companies. Direct billing to insurance carries a $5 set-up fee per insurance company
As one of the oldest and most natural forms of healing, Massage Therapy has many physiological benefits. Massage increases circulation, reduces stress, alleviates pain and much more! When used in conjunction with laser therapy, massage can help break up adhesions and re-align scar tissue.
Fees for Massage Therapy
Hot stone massage is a form of "thermotherapy" in which hot stones are positioned on specific areas of the client's body and allow for greater deep tissue manipulation. Massaging oils are used with the hot stones to allow the therapist to work with the muscles more easily.
Our Physiotherapist work with clients of all ages and with a wide range of health conditions. He is level 1 and 2 certified in STECCO Fascial manipulation. STECCO is a technique used to identify and treat dysfunctional fascia. Through movement, palpatation and treatment of fascia, muscle or joint pain can significantly decrease or even disappear. A mechanical pressure is applied to these points stimulating the inflammatory process to initiate tissue repair. Please note, this is not a painless technique. Jeff practices ART® (Active Release Techniques). ART® is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and more. Whether it’s pain management and rehabilitation from an acute injury like a sprained ankle, or management of chronic conditions such as diabetes or heart disease, a physiotherapist can help. But physiotherapy is not limited to rehabilitation of injury and the effects of disease or disability. A physiotherapist also provides education and advice for health promotion, disease and injury prevention.
The regulating body of Athletic Therapy of Manitoba is the Canadian Athletic therapists Association (CATA), who describes the profession as: Certified athletic therapists are best know for their quick-thinking on-field emergency care of professional and elite athletes. The first to respond when someone gets hurt, they are experts at injury assessment and rehabilitation. It’s that same mix of on-site care and active rehabilitation skills that makes athletic therapists so effective in treating the musculoskeletal injuries of all Canadians, whether on the field or in the clinic.
Athletic therapists adhere to the Sports Medicine Model of care, They treat a wide range of patients, from kids with concussions to seniors recovering from hip replacement surgery, using various manual therapies, modalities, exercise prescription, and even bracing and taping.
The difference between athletic therapy and physiotherapy is minimal in the clinic setting and often depends on additional certifications the practitioner has attained throughout their career i.e. acupuncture. Athletic therapists focus solely on musculoskeletal disorders whereas the physiotherapists scope is broadened to include cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological issues. Both professions utilize modalities (laser, ultrasound, etc), taping, manual therapy, biomechanical analysis, acupuncture (if certified), and patient education. Athletic therapist often spend much of their initial training in the field, assessing and treating acute injuries and preparing athletes for return to competition. They excel in acute care management of musculoskeletal injury as well as exercise prescription for strengthening and return to function. An athletic therapist’s goal is to help clients return to their usual activities, whether that means playing competitive sports or walking to the mailbox and back after a total joint replacement.
Athletic therapy is covered by Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), the Worker’s Compensation Board, and many individual insurance providers i.e. blue cross. Patients should always check with their extended health benefits plan to be sure the treatment they will be receiving is covered.
Acupuncture is a procedure that involves inserting very thin needles through the skin at strategic points of the body to help stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissue. Many have turned to acupuncture for pain relief and rebalancing of your bodies flow of energy. It can assist with discomfort of many diseases or conditions such as headaches, back pain, menstrual cramps, nausea, and vomiting.
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that helps to stimulate the body's natural healing process. It helps to relieve pain and can promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissues for months or even years after the treatment. It accomplishes this by releasing growth factors in the injured tissue through sound waves that help improve blood flow and reduces inflammation which can lead to a faster healing process.
Shockwave therapy can cause discomfort depending on the injury and how close the damaged tissue is to the bone, but in most cases it is not painful.
Shockwave therapy has success treating multiple different conditions, including but not limited to Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinopathy, Jumper’s knee (Patellar Tendonitis), Treatment of tendinopathy, Hamstring muscle injuries, Myofascial trigger points, Bursitis, Stiff big toe (hallux rigidus), Tendonitis, Scar tissue, Calcific tendinitis of the rotator cuff, Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), Shoulder pain, Tennis elbow, Heel spurs, Shin splints, Muscle and connective tissue injuries